[HD 1080p] Resident Evil 5 - Benchmark Settings Max FPS 60 +

[HD 1080p] Resident Evil 5 - Benchmark Settings Max FPS 60 + Tube. Duration : 1.85 Mins.

System Specifications (NEW): - AMD Athlon 1055t@3.2Ghz X6 (Auto Tune used on the motherboard) - Asus M4A98GTD Pro/USB3 - Kingston 4GB 1333MHz DDR3 RAM - 500 GB Western Digital HDD (OS and games) - Western Digital 250GB HDD (music, video, etc.) - 2 x ATI HD4870 1 GB version (now you are caught in the crossfire 8x) - Razer DeathAdder Gaming Mouse 3500dpi Re-Spawn - Razer Lycosa Gaming Keyboard - Cooler Master Storm Sniper chassis is playing Resident Evil 5, Awesome game and Xbox Live features for performance andRecommend that anyone running online so incredibly easy. Game was played at 1920x1080 32-inch TV FPS recorded during the filming - 50 FPS without recording - in 90 + video with H.264 at 29.97 and arrived at 68.9mb me if you want the video output that I Premiere used for CS5. Subscribe to it, evaluate and comment. Applause.

Keywords: Resident Evil 5 benchmark, blackpheonix81, Benchmark, Resident Evil, 90FPS, 60FPS, 30FPS, Adobe Premiere, ATI, AMD, Nvidia, Intel, i3, i5, i7, Phenom X2, Phenom X3, Phenom X4, Phenom X6, Phenom II, 3.2Ghz, Six Cores, Overlcock, 4870, 5870, 4890, 5890, 5850, 4850, GTX Series

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